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2022-23 Impact Statement

Updated: Mar 24, 2024

Dear CEF Supporters,

I begin this letter by sharing my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation. Your ongoing support has paved the way for another remarkable year of building impact and enhancing the educational experiences of our Chelsea School District. We are proud to share that we converted your gifts of time, talent, and treasure to provide over $95,000 back to the district in the 2022-23 school year!

We’ve been around for more than 33 years, but sometimes it feels like we are just getting started! Teacher grant requests continue to grow in both the resources requested and the creativity and innovation of the learning experience. Scholarship giving is strong. Through efforts of the newly launched Chelsea Alumni Association (a committee of CEF), a network of over 500 Chelsea alumni has reconnected with the district.

CEF’s impact is focused on Building a Bulldog Future, and we work closely with the district to ensure our grants and scholarships are aligned with the Portrait of a Graduate. We are building connections within the community by increasing collaboration with other non-profits, district booster groups, and our local businesses.

Here are a few highlights:

  • We expanded partnerships with community organizations like 5 Healthy Towns and Chelsea Community Foundation, began a new literacy partnership with Serendipity Books, and grew sponsor support.

  • Awarded the new “CEF and CAA Committee - President’s Award” scholarship to five Chelsea graduates.

  • Held another successful Rivalry Fundraiser with the Educational Foundation of Dexter.

As we anticipate continued growth and impact for the district, we look forward to being a valued partner and remain committed to Building a Bulldog Future. The district is investing in early childhood, and we are looking forward to giving our newest Bulldogs the best possible start through CEF support in the coming years. We are thrilled to partner with the district and serve our kids and educators.

With Appreciation,

Amy Forehand

President, Chelsea Education Foundation

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