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A Year in Review at CEF!

Two years into a pandemic, the fundraising traditions of Chelsea Education Foundation (CEF) continue to be affected. In the 2019-20 year, our generous supporters allowed us to keep their donations earmarked for the annual Gala to continue planned grant programs. Again, COVID-19 prevented the Gala fundraiser in 2020-21. Consequently, CEF mailed direct requests to past sponsors and was able to raise funding to support teacher grants.

Now in our 31st year as a foundation, we continue to provide support that affects every student in the Chelsea School District. It is through the continued generosity of this community that makes it all possible. You have our heartfelt thanks!

In order to accommodate the changing landscape of the 2020-21 school year's virtual, in-person, and hybrid teacher-student interactions, CEF made the decision to hold three different cycles. $27,912 in teacher grants were awarded through these three grant cycles.

CEF also awarded $34,750 in scholarships to 45 graduated seniors in June 2021. Those included scholarships for newly graduated seniors and those who are continuing in a post-secondary degree.

CEF continues to look for community-minded volunteers to help strengthen CEF and our connection to all students in K-12 within the Chelsea School District.

I am especially thankful for the wonderful members of this Board who give to the organization with their time, talent and financial support.

Interested in getting involved? Please ask any Board member - you can find their information on our website at or contact me at

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