Rivalry Match
The Chelsea Bulldogs and the Dexter Dreadnaughts will go head-to-head to raise money for their respective education foundations.
The fundraising kicks off early August and will culminate at the Aug. 30 opening season game in Dexter. The two foundations will compete to see who can raise the most money up to and at the game.
The missions of the Chelsea Education Foundation (CEF) and The Educational Foundation of Dexter are similar; both enhance students’ educational experiences by financing projects beyond the resources of the district and by providing scholarships to district graduates.
“CEF is a support system to the schools and teachers, providing them with additional tools and funding to help students reach their fullest potential,” said Lynn Fox, president of Chelsea Education Foundation.
Both foundations are charitable 501(c)3 non-profits and provide funding through grants and scholarships for a broad spectrum of educational activities.
Entering its 30th year, CEF has impacted over 45,000 students through efforts and activities in the Chelsea School District. $960,000 has been donated to fund grants for projects like #whyyoumatter, 4th-grade museum trips, 6th-grade camp, Authors In Chelsea, and furniture for the new South Meadows Elementary Media Center; and scholarships to students showcasing outstanding academic performance.
Since 1985, the Educational Foundation of Dexter has awarded over $850,000 in the form of teacher grants, that support students from Pre-K to 12th Grade in the Dexter Community Schools. Previously funded grants include Virtual Reality Headsets, Field Trips to the DIA, Adapted Music for Students with Special Needs, and Viewings for the Documentary “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety.”
“We proudly reach every campus in the Dexter Community Schools from pre-kindergarten through Dexter High School to the Alternate Education program,” said Educational Foundation of Dexter Board Member Heidi Patel.
The foundations serve as links between school, business and the community. Community partners, Chelsea State Bank and Lynn Fox Properties, LLC will each match the first $1,000 in donations.
To make a donation, or to learn more about the foundations, visit their websites: www.chelseaeducationfoundation.org or www.efdexter.org.
Read more online at ChelseaUpdate.com at https://chelseaupdate.com/chelsea-education-foundation-educational-foundation-of-dexter-rivalry-fundraiser/